Friday, 28 November 2014


August 2014

Another long and sleepless journey. I had no idea where to go when I got off the coach. I googled a hostel and only one showed up. One hostel in the whole of Mackay, given I basically picked a random city to stop over in which was definately no tourist destination but one hostel costing twice as much as a normal hostel a night was crazy! I used my maps on my phone to find my way. 

It was 6am and the doors didn't open till 7:30. Exhausted, I put my rucksacks down which id walked for around 20 mins with and sat on them, waiting. 

When I got to my room it stank to the high heavens of sweat. I mean it looked immaculately clean, not a speck of dust even but damn they could have used  some room spray. It was unfortunate there were no windows in my dorm. I slept anyway not really caring at that moment. 

When I woke up the smell wasn't as strong; that or I'd just got used to it and a Taiwanese girl arrived, apple (her real name was something else but quite often People from Asia take on English names, hers, funnily enough was not copying the beckams kid it was for the shape of her head) Apple was so so nice. one of the nicest, warmest person I've met. She also had a boyfriend and we were talking about our experiences with dealing with the separation and it was good to have a conversation with someone who was sticking it out like i was. 

Apple had met a guy in the hostel who was working as a chef in the area and had arranged to meet him Later and invited me to come.

We took a walk on the beach, it was windy and not very hot at this point as it was still winter. So around 20'c. It was perfect. It was nice to talk about work and our experiences traveling so far and I listed more places that I needed to visit along the east coast.

the following morning I had to Catch a 6am bus so I was unable to collect my $20 Deposit from the desk. I Facebook mailed apple and told her to take it. I fell asleep on the coach and woke up to numerous messages like, "hey they want proof that your ok with me taking the deposit" then "hey it's ok they trust me thank you so so much" she deserved it. Good people deserve nice things. Hostels who have smelly dorms do not. 

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